Model Apartment Tours

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Now Accepting Reservations in
Assisted Living and Memory Support

See if Independent Living at The Outlook is a financial fit for you. Get Your Results

Join us for a progressive tour. Click here to learn more and RSVP.

Now Accepting Reservations in
Assisted Living and Memory Support

See if Independent Living at The Outlook is a financial fit for you. Get Your Results

August Construction Updates

In the next six weeks, The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW) construction progress will include:

  • Framing roof of Independent Living building
  • Setting windows in the Commons, Assisted Living and Independent Living buildings
  • Continue exterior and interior work on Cottages
  • Framing roof of Assisted Living building
OAW campus buildings – Blue outlines the Commons building, housing administration offices, kitchen and dining. Green highlights the three stories of Assisted Living and Memory Care. Red showcases the five-story Independent Living building, including additional common spaces such as the fitness center and pool.

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* All renderings of The Outlook at Windhaven are artistic representations of planned structures and spaces and their details are subject to change.