August Construction Updates

In the next six weeks, The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW) construction progress will include:

  • Nearing completion of Assisted Living/Memory Support (AL/MS) residences, 2nd and 3rd floors
  • Continuing finishes for AL/MS community areas, 2nd and 3rd floors
    • Countertop and backsplash installation, ceiling and lighting finishes
  • Installing ceiling and floor in Yoga Room
  • Installing ceiling grid in Therapy Gym
  • Continuing finishes in Pool Area
  • Preparing for flooring installation in Fitness Area
  • Continuing finishes in Independent Living (IL) residences and IL community areas
  • Installing furniture for Commons Areas including Wine Bar, Bistro, Multi-Purpose Room and Private IL Dining
  • Continuing landscaping and hardscaping around Commons Building and IL Pool Courtyard

OAW Unpacks Amazon Shipping Secrets

Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when you shop online at Amazon? Recently, a group of residents from The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW) toured the Dallas-area Amazon fulfillment center, one of seventeen fulfillment and sortation centers located in Texas, and witnessed firsthand how orders are picked, packed and shipped worldwide. The tour took the group across the sprawling two million sq. ft. facility, known as the FTW6 fulfillment center. The four-story, 24-hour operation employs 2,700 people working to send out packages quickly and efficiently.

During the tour, OAW residents learned about the entire packaging process. Products are sorted into pods and moved throughout the warehouse by 900 robots. Once a customer clicks the “buy” button, the selected items are sorted, packaged, labeled and sent to shipping to distribution centers, and finally, to a customer’s doorstep.

This tour provided a look into the efficiency of Amazon’s operations, leaving residents with a newfound appreciation for the seamless process behind their online orders.

Leadership Meet and Greet

Recently, the Outlook at Windhaven (OAW) VIPs gathered for an exclusive opportunity to meet and engage with the OAW leadership team. The group included Executive Director Kristen Jordan, along with the directors and managers of various departments. Each teammate presented the array of services offered in their respective areas, such as resident life, culinary, building services, wellness and more. This meet and greet event provided a chance for attendees to interact directly with leadership, gain further insight into the new community’s offerings and have questions answered in person. These teammates look forward to creating an outstanding experience for their future OAW residents!

July Construction Update

In the next six weeks, The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW) construction progress will include:

  • Nearing completion of the Assisted Living/Memory Support (AL/MS) Dining Room
    • Continuing floor installation and fireplace work
  • Nearing completion of Mail Room, Bistro and Wine Bar
  • Nearing completion of stage area of Multi-Purpose room of Commons building
  • Continuing finishes in Fitness and Pool areas
  • Nearing completion of AL/MS residences, 2nd and 3rd floors
  • Continuing finishes for AL/MS common areas, 2nd and 3rd floors
    • Countertop and backsplash installation, ceiling and lighting finishes
  • Nearing completion of landscaping and hardscaping of Community Courtyard, located between Commons and AL/MC buildings
  • Continuing landscaping and hardscaping around Commons building and Independent Living Pool Courtyard

Teammate Spotlight: Wendy Thomas

Wendy Thomas is the Assisted Living Advisor for The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW), a role she began in May. In her position, Wendy works with prospective residents and their families educating them on the care services, amenities and activities that will be available in the community’s Assisted Living and Memory Support residences. We sat down with this compassionate teammate to learn more about her through a fun question and answer session. Read about Wendy below.  

What are you passionate about regarding your professional role?
I am passionate about people! I enjoy serving others as they begin the journey into their “Golden Years.” I love seeing seniors excited about living in a community that gives them a purpose, keeps them socially active and meets their care needs with excellence.

What are you looking forward to most once the OAW community officially opens?
I look forward to seeing our residents thrive as they enjoy their new home and I look forward to witnessing many smiles and hearing lots of laughter.

Favorite memory/moment to date during your time at OAW:
One highlight for me was taking a hard hat tour of the beautiful community during my first day on the job.

What do you think sets OAW apart from other senior living communities?
I think our wonderful location, beautiful property, attention to detail and the kindness and professionalism displayed by all our teammates set us apart. The longevity of Forefront Living and the leadership team are truly an inspiration in the senior living industry.

What is something that makes you feel proud?
I am proud of being a single mom and raising my one and only son. Now, he is almost 30! During that time, I also owned a photography business. We shared some very challenging experiences, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!

Share about your family:

I have a wonderful son and daughter-in-law, Chase and Katie, who just celebrated six years of marriage. They are the joy of my life! We take many trips with Katie’s family around the Fourth of July. During each trip, Chase records videos and we enjoy watching and reliving those memories. My mom and dad are in heaven, but you will often hear me talk about them because they are still my firm foundation. I miss them dearly, but they are always in my heart! I have one brother and a sister-in-law. They have two adult children who are married and three grandchildren. We love to gather at our family’s East Texas ranch at least twice a year around our parents’ birthdays. Our July gathering is a big one and we call it the “High Hootenanny!” (High is my maiden name.) My mom named the gathering right before she passed away. As you can tell, I LOVE my family!!

Tell us about your hobbies:
In my free time, I love to travel! The Frio River is my favorite place in Texas to visit and my family and I are big fans of Disney. Baking and decorating cookies and cupcakes is a new hobby for me that I started about two years ago and I still enjoy photography.

On the weekend, you can find me:
On the weekend, you can find me spending time with family and friends, dining out, taking small weekend trips, relaxing at home, snuggling with my sweet dog, Piper, or baking and decorating cookies or cupcakes.

What are some of your favorite foods and restaurants?
I love anything Tex-Mex! It doesn’t matter if it’s from a hole in the wall or a five-star restaurant.

How would your friends describe you?

My friends would describe me as genuine, sweet and fun! I love my friends and would do anything for them. If they are going through a hard time, I’m always there to lend a listening ear, pray for them, give advice if they ask for it or just laugh until we can’t stop!

Drive-Thru, Donate and Declutter with OAW

At the end of June, more than 35 cars joined The Outlook at Windhaven’s (OAW) VIP drive-thru donation and shredding event to declutter in advance of moving into their new home at the OAW community. VIPs were invited to donate gently used tennis shoes, clothing, accessories, small electronics and small furniture, all for a good cause. Additionally, professional shredding services were available for old paperwork and sensitive files, helping VIPs make room for new beginnings. This event encouraged everyone to embrace a fresh outlook – out with the old and in with OAW!

June Construction Updates

In the next six weeks, The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW) construction progress will include:

  • Nearing completion of the following spaces: Mail Room, Bistro and Wine Bar
  • Nearing completion of Lobby and Office Corridor portions of the Commons building
  • Beginning work on stage area of Multi-Purpose room of the Commons building
  • Continuing finishes in Fitness and Pool areas
  • Flooring of Assisted Living/Memory Support (AL/MS) and Independent Living (IL) residences
  • Paint walls on third floor of AL/MS
  • Nearing completion of landscaping and hardscaping of Community Courtyard, located between Commons and AL/MC buildings
  • Continue landscaping and hardscaping around Commons building and IL Pool Courtyard

The Longest Day: Shining Through Alzheimer’s

The Longest Day, also known as the summer solstice, is the day with the most light. It is the day the Alzheimer’s Association calls on everyone to fight against Alzheimer’s disease by raising awareness and funds for care, support and research. On Thursday, June 20, Presbyterian Village North (PVN) and The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW) participated in The Longest Day with different events, including a special vendor and bake sale, a walk and a fundraising happy hour.

More than 75 PVN residents and teammates joined the “Longest Day Walk” around the PVN campus. The event kicked off at 9 a.m. with a warmup led by the PVN Wellness Team and the day also featured a festive wheelchair parade for residents and patients in Healthcare and the Transitional Rehab Center (TRC).

OAW VIPs and residents joined in by gathering at The Brass Tap in Plano for a social event, with 5% of sales going towards the cause. Our friends at The Brass Tap also made a generous donation towards fighting Alzheimer’s. Together, we’ll shine bright and beat the darkness of Alzheimer’s!

Teammate Spotlight: Justin High

Justin High is the Wellness Coordinator for The Outlook at Windhaven (OAW), a role he was excited to begin in April. As part of this role, Justin manages OAW fitness activities and classes, both land and water-based. He also ensures that fitness equipment is well-maintained and that program participants stay safe. We sat down with this dedicated teammate to learn more about him through a fun question and answer session. Read about Justin below.  

What are you passionate about regarding your professional role?
I am passionate about changing lives and reminding our residents that they still have control over their body, mind and spirit. I am also enthusiastic about encouraging residents to join our amazing wellness program.

What are you looking forward to most once the OAW community officially opens?
I look forward to the community pool opening!

Favorite memory/moment to date during your time at OAW:
My birthday was earlier this month, and it was great to feel the love from my teammates and our residents.

What do you think sets OAW apart from other senior living communities?
I believe our dedication to excellence and prioritizing the needs of our residents sets us apart. We are privileged to lead the way in the senior living industry, and I try to embrace this opportunity every single day.

What is something that makes you feel proud?
I have hosted four men’s retreats throughout my career and I’m really proud of creating spaces where people can let go of their past trauma and become their best selves, mentally and spiritually. These retreats have been some of my most rewarding experiences thus far.

Share about your family:
My fiancée, Dawn, and I are expecting a daughter, who we plan to name Charlie-Rose, in late July! I also have an eight-year-old daughter, Jayla.

Tell us about your hobbies:
In my free time, I enjoy traveling, hiking, reading (especially comics and non-fiction), playing video games, working out and spending time with friends.

On the weekend, you can find me:
When I’m not at work, you can find me with my family – Dawn, Jayla and our pets. We have a dog named Zatanna and a cat named Palo. If we aren’t out and about around town, we love to travel.

What are some of your favorite foods and restaurants?
While I am mostly a steak and potatoes kind of guy, I love to visit local pizza shops like The Crazy Tomato in Allen and Heritage Pizza and Taproom in The Colony. Some of my favorite foods to enjoy are pizza, pad Thai, stir fry, chicken shawarma and birria tacos.

How would your friends describe you?
My friends would say I’m dedicated, a voice of reason and the “glue” guy – I’m usually the one making plans and bringing everyone together. They would also say I’m interesting because I am open to all kinds of experiences!

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* All renderings of The Outlook at Windhaven are artistic representations of planned structures and spaces and their details are subject to change.